
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Profile: Donna Brazile

Look, I’m a woman, so I like Hillary. I’m black, I like Obama. But I’m also grumpy, so I like John McCain. - Donna Brazile
One of my favorite women of all time has to be Donna Brazile. She is a New Orleans native known best as a Democrat Political Strategist. Ms. Brazile is a professor, television political commentator, Vice Chair of Voter Registration and Participation at the Democratic National Committee, Member of the Board of Directors of Louisiana Recovery Authority as well as the former Chair of the DNCs Voting Rights Institute; this lady does a lot!
America’s story is one of expanding opportunity and suffrage and one of our fundamental principles is that every eligible citizen is entitled to cast his or her vote.-Donna Brazile
She started her political career very young at 9 years old to help elect a City Council candidate who promised to build a playground in her neighborhood. They won and the rest was history for Ms. Donna Brazile. This extraordinary woman was the first African American woman to manage a Presidential Campaign. She has also worked on every presidential campaign from 1976 through 2000. She served as an Advisor for Bill Clinton’s campaign  in 1992 and re-election in 1996. Even in 2008 election she served as a Super-Delgate for her work with Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
I’m not about waiting anymore. I’m off the privilege notion now; I’m on to fairness. - Donna Brazile

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